The E-XHALE E-POD, why?
The E-XHALE E-POD having recently launched, offering the best "bang for buck" pod in the industry. Giving you up to 1800 puffs for only R89, making it over 50% cheaper than other pods in the industry and even our existing 900 puff disposable vape device.
Us vs competition. Pod vs Pod. Okay so we offer a cheaper pod, what else do we get? Well performance, our E-POD power unit offers unrivaled performance. With a 1.75x higher battery capacity and only taking 30+- min for a full fast charge, what else could you want, did we mention it's also the cheapest, again. Our E-XHALE E-POD battery or power unit comes in at R149.99 aka R150 bucks.
Not enough, well look out for our recent deals with our E-POD & POD combo selling for R199! Giving you 2x performance over the competition.